Speech pathologists are trained to assess, diagnose, and treat difficulties and disorders impacting a child’s capacity to communicate or develop communication skills.
Using Zoom for encrypted telehealth appointments, Ruby’s Room can help with:
Speech sound difficulties from typical errors such as lisps, to more uncommon sound substitutions, unclear speech, and Childhood Apraxia of Speech.
Receptive Language skills including understanding what is said by others, following instructions, making connections between words and concepts.
Expressive Language skills including being delayed to use words, difficulties connecting words and making sentences, difficulty clearly expressing their ideas, difficulty using grammar or vocabulary.
Language difficulties related to :
Developmental language Disorder
Early intervention for late talkers
Natural Language Acquisition/Gestalt Language Processing
Literacy difficulties including linking sounds to letters, reading letters and words, segmenting and blending sounds in words, retaining complex sounds (e.g., consonant and vowel digraphs), slow/effortful reading, difficulty with reading comprehension, errors in spelling, and difficulty constructing written words/sentences/texts.
Stuttering by identifying the presence and severity of dysflency, such as when a child becomes stuck on words, repeats parts of words, or even whole words or phrases.
Social skills/Pragmatic skills including difficulties with listening, attention, initiating and maintaining conversation, understanding humour, recognising emotions, asking and answering questions, and repairing communication breakdown.
Play skills including helping children strengthen communication through parallel play, joint play, joint attention, following the child’s lead, and creating play routines.
Parent coaching