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Speech pathologists are trained to assess, diagnose, and treat difficulties and disorders impacting a child’s capacity to communicate or develop communication skills. 

Using Zoom for encrypted telehealth appointments, Ruby’s Room can help with:

  • Speech sound difficulties from typical errors such as lisps, to more uncommon sound substitutions, unclear speech, and Childhood Apraxia of Speech.

  • Receptive Language skills including understanding what is said by others, following instructions, making connections between words and concepts.

  • Expressive Language skills including being delayed to use words, difficulties connecting words and making sentences, difficulty clearly expressing their ideas, difficulty using grammar or vocabulary.

  • Language difficulties related to :

    • Developmental language Disorder

    • Early intervention for late talkers

    • Natural Language Acquisition/Gestalt Language Processing

  • Literacy difficulties including linking sounds to letters, reading letters and words, segmenting and blending sounds in words, retaining complex sounds (e.g., consonant and vowel digraphs),  slow/effortful reading, difficulty with reading comprehension, errors in spelling, and difficulty constructing written words/sentences/texts.

  • Stuttering by identifying the presence and severity of dysflency, such as when a child becomes stuck on words, repeats parts of words, or even whole words or phrases.


  • Social skills/Pragmatic skills including difficulties with listening, attention, initiating and maintaining conversation, understanding humour, recognising emotions, asking and answering questions, and repairing communication breakdown.

  • Play skills including helping children strengthen communication through parallel play, joint play, joint attention, following the child’s lead, and creating play routines.

  • Parent coaching

Ruby demonstrates how to make the 'th' sound. She sticks out her tongue and points to it. Behind is a poster about this sound
Ruby looks confused in front of a language therapy activity about household object categories.
Ruby sits over a sentence structure activity.
Ruby sits above a literacy activity featuring the different ways the 'uh' sound can be spelled.
Ruby sits above a literacy activity where words a sorted into categories according to spelling.
A medium bright green speech bubble with three white dots. The speech bubble's tail drops down to the right.
A Large capital R.

© 2025 Ruby's Room - Online Speech Therapy
0427 860 708

A simple cartoon image of Ruby; a woman with brown hair and light skin who is smiling and wearing a green shirt.
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